If your organisation is worker friendly and offers support services in Northern Ireland, please submit your details via the form below to be added to our directory.

Form for support organisations

    We define worker friendly organisations as those who support the human rights of workers, including the right to self-determination to remain in or leave work, and provide non-judgemental and non-discriminatory services to workers.
  • If workers contacting your organisation should ask for a specific person or persons, please give the name(s) here.
  • Please enter any additional information about your organisation you think it would be helpful for workers to know.

As a small worker safety scheme, we are not in a position to offer our members a comprehensive range of health, legal and other support services.  However we try our best to refer our members to support organisations where appropriate.

Please note, as of 2020, the geographic region we cover for support referrals is now Northern Ireland only.  We do not normally list organisations outside of this region.

We publish an online directory of worker friendly support organisations in Northern Ireland for our members.   We will also often refer our members to support organisations, especially after they have been a victim of crime.

If your organisation is worker friendly and offers support services in Northern Ireland please fill out the form on this page to get listed.

Sex worker friendly support organisations